4 Great New Mom Gifts, That You Didn’t Get At Your Baby Shower!
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Did you know September is the most popular month to become a new mom? It’s true. Funny… but true. People make babies during the holidays! I also became a new mom for the 1st time in September! When I was pregnant with my first I had 3 baby showers! Can you believe that? I cried at each one. I felt so blessed by the love I was shown! Although I didn’t get all of them at my showers, that first pregnancy brought with it some great gifts for a new mom. Baby stuff that I just couldn’t go without! So, I’ve gotta tell you about my 4 favorite baby items, so you can go ahead and get them for you and your baby because you’re going to wish you had them.

While September is ripe with babies, I am sure there are many good reasons (and good stories) for birthdays all throughout the year!
Everything brand new, Please!
I had to have everything brand new when my first was born. And I had to have anything and everything that might help me take care of that perfect little human.
Infant seat for him to sit around in, CHECK. Infant swing for him to swing around in, CHECK. Bassinet for him to lay around in, CHECK. Convertible crib for him to lay around some more in, CHECK. Sling to carry him around in, CHECK. Cute car seat to drive him around in, CHECK (OK that one is kinda important.) Pack-N-Play for him to lay around in, away from home, CHECK. Infant bath to… alright, you get the point.
I had it all and I was ready to go. Then he was born. Within the first few weeks, I learned that all I really needed, all he really wanted was my own two arms and my own two, well, you know…
He was a demanding little thing and there was no sitting around, or lying around, or even much driving around. Being carried and nursed was his preferred mode of living.
I didn’t know at the time that I had a say in the matter, and frankly, I had all the time in the world to hold and nurse. So, that’s just what we did!
If I could do it all over again, I wouldn’t change a thing.
Having your first baby is special. Becoming a new mom is a monumental time in a woman’s life. Every single baby product, piece of baby clothing, and bottle of baby shampoo was so special to me at the time.
I loved that little baby and wanted to take the very best care of him I could and that meant providing everything I thought he needed. Each of the things I had for him was a token of celebration and right of passage into motherhood.
I’m so glad you are all “geeked out” about baby’s stuff. If you want all the stuff with every single baby and have the means to get it, why not get it? Finally, baby stuff is fun because your baby is just so special.
Now that mine are no longer babies and I can look back at the time objectively, there are great gifts for a new mom that I would NOT go without during the first few years of a baby’s life.
4 Great Gifts For a New Mom – That You Didn’t Get at Your Shower
#1 A Ring Sling!
My oldest didn’t like to be carried in a sling. With all my babies thereafter, I didn’t really give them a choice, they learned to like it! I didn’t have a ring sling my first time around and because of how successful it was for my #2, #3, and #4, I often wonder if #1 would have accepted it better than the “other” kind I tried.
This is my favorite recommendation for slings.
#2 A Rock-N-Play Sleeper.
I only had this for my 4th child and wished I’d had it for all the others. The design is brilliant! It’s built for baby to sink down into it just enough to provide a bit of squeeze. That little squeeze lessens the wretched startle reflex that has them waking up every few minutes when they are disturbed.
I would swaddle my baby’s arms up, put him in this thing, and he’d sleep for hours. Love it! Click here to get this sleeper.
#3 Baby Boot Camp.
Books are a new-moms best friend. Yes, there’s a book for that! A new mom loves to educate herself on her sweet new baby. This is a good thing. Actually, I have two books that are certain to be a blessing to you. The first is an easy, make-you-smile-laugh-feel-encouraged read.
Baby Boot Camp is written as a daily read for the first six weeks of motherhood. I would read book by moonlight while rocking my firstborn at 3 a.m. Click to get this book.
#4 The Complete Book of Baby and Child Care.
The Complete Book of Baby and Child Care. I LOVE. THIS. BOOK. It is an all-inclusive, step-by-step, how-to, book for pre-birth through the teen years. As a result, I have used this book in the last 12 years as a reference more times than I can count. I go back to it again and again.
Got a question? It most likely has the answer. The pages are bent, folded, worn, and well-read. It is quite simply a must-have for parents. Click here to get this book.
Get the stuff you need AND the fun stuff!
A sling, a well-engineered sleeper and a couple of books. Those are the things I would want for my new baby if I couldn’t have anything else!
“OK, but SERIOUSLY Shelley, what about pumping and clothes and blankets, and all the other stuff?” Yes, I know, my minimalist preferences are not super practical.
So here are a few other items to get that will help a bunch too!
1. The Medela Pump in Style Breast Pump is the only breast pump you’ll ever need. I didn’t pump much, but mine lasted through 3 babies. Many working mothers wouldn’t make it through breastfeeding without this pump. Click here to get this pump.
2. These infant gowns are great for night time. No buttons or zippers to fool with. Click here to get these gowns.
3. Monogrammed stuff! Any time you receive something monogrammed for your baby, your heart will sing. There is just something about seeing your baby’s name on a beautiful garment that touches your Mommy-heart.
Those pieces are used while they are little and then forever serve as keepsakes in their treasure boxes.
Finally, Baby Stuff Is Great
Some baby stuff you just can’t go without as a new mom and some stuff is just fun to have. The sling, rocker, boot camp and baby care book, will bless your socks off as a new mom. You need these 4 things.
And just for fun, I even went ahead and told you a few more things that I know you’ll love. Get your stuff and enjoy it, because your baby won’t be a baby for long!!
Every baby shower I go to I always put mosquito netting that is designed for babies, in the gift. Why? Cuz no matter when you have your baby. At some point you will be outside. At the beach in a friends backyard. At a fair. And you can’t use bug spray on babies so the netting makes it easier to stay out later than when the bugs come out! Everyone I’ve ever given have texted me at some point saying they loved that gift! Life isn’t easy with a newborn and why shouldn’t you be allowed to bring baby where you want to go. Even with bugs around.
Great idea Christine! Thanks so much for sharing!