The Best Christian Parenting Books: A Top 20 List for Biblically-Minded Mom
Table of Contents
There is certainly no shortage of parenting books available. The vast expanse of the internet makes it a bit overwhelming to ensure you are purchasing the best Christian parenting books!
It seems everyone has written a book these days, so how do you sort through the ones that will actually help you raise your children in the fear and admonition of the Lord?
I put together this list of the very best Christian parenting books to provide you with a credible place to go for recommendations.
The vast majority of these books I have read myself. Those that I haven’t have been researched and reviewed.
In the list, you’ll find the best Christian parenting books for raising boys, raising girls, embracing and enduring motherhood, scriptural parenting truth, cultivating your home, nurturing the whole family, reaching your child’s heart, and more.
Everything you need for your Christian parenting journey can be found within one of the books below.

The Best Christian Parenting Books on Raising Boys
1. Strong Mothers, Strong Sons by Dr. Meg Meeker
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A baby boy steals his mama’s heart the moment he’s born. It’s also at that moment that a mama understands she is not merely caring for a baby, she is charged with raising a man!
In the book Strong Mothers, Strong Sons by Dr. Meg Meeker, Dr. Meeker shares the most vital elements for raising baby boys into great men.
In the book she shows you:
- how to raise your boy to respect and appreciate women as they grow up
- how to value hard work, community service, and a well-developed inner life
- the natural traps mothers of boys often fall into—and how to avoid them
- heal your own wounds with the men in your life so you can raise your son without baggage and limitations
- How to survive the communication barrier that is inevitable between mothers and sons
I love best Christian parenting books that deal specifically with cross-gender parenting relationships. Your son’s first experience with loving a woman is you! You, in a very real sense, hold the keys to training up and raising up an honorable, respectful, servant-leader who will bless his family and make a positive impact on the world. Don’t leave this up to chance, get equipped to be the best boy mom you can be!
2. Bringing Up Boys by Dr. James Dobson
This book is a runaway bestseller and for good reason. Dr. James Dobson has done a remarkable amount of research, study, and work to provide parents with the knowledge necessary to parent well, over the last several decades.
He has been (and is still) a leader in the area of childhood psychology, child development, family health, and Christian parenting.
Bringing Up Boys was one of the first parenting books I ever read. I read this book when my oldest, a firstborn son, was just a few months old.
I knew I had a precious and fragile task of raising that little guy into a grown man and did not care to take any chances or merely wing-it!
I’m SO glad I read that book when I did. Having knowledge on the forefront allowed me to anticipate challenges before they arrive and subsequently avert many of them!
In Bringing Up Boys, Dr. Dobson explains:
- Why so many boys are in crisis today
- What qualities we should be trying to instill in young males
- How to raise a boy with a clear idea of what it means to be a man
I’m a fan of Dr. Dobson. Without his dedication to his life’s work, I can say with a fair amount of certainty, my own family wouldn’t be who we are today.
This book prepared me for raising my son, and today I enjoy a healthy, joyful, and loving relationship with my teenage boy as a result. For that, I am very grateful!
*This book is a mdParenting must read!
The Best Christian Parenting Books on Raising Girls
3. Raising Strong Daughters in a Toxic Culture by Dr. Meg Meeker
When I got married, I prayed for a chance to be a good mom to a daughter. I did ‘t have an overtly positive feminine influence growing up, and I wanted so badly to have the opportunity to provide what I lacked.
God not only answered my prayer but did so twice. Today I am SO fortunate to be raising two daughters.
The thing about being a mom to a daughter is that we can relate. Girl moms remember growing up and all the emotion, turmoil, and inner struggle that came along with it.
Unfortunately, it is even more difficult for girls growing up today than it was when we were kids.
There are dangers and threats that we can’t fully comprehend.
The really really good news, though, is that regardless of the day and age, there are steps we can take to raise strong daughters in such a toxic culture.
In this book, Dr. Meeker guides you in:
- making sure your daughter knows how to embrace who she is
- understanding the impact your girl’s friends have other life
- Helping your daughter navigate social media
- Learning how to launch your daughter successfully into womanhood
It has never been more difficult to be a girl. There are constant expectations and pressures placed on girls. We are expected to be confident but not too confident. We’re told we don’t have to settle but are ridiculed if we don’t have big enough dreams. We are told there is no such thing as balance and should, therefore, throw ourselves all or nothing at something.
How torturous this must be for young girls today. Fortunately, you can go against the grain and choose to arm and equip yourself to raise your daughter brilliantly and beautifully against the cultural mainstream that seeks to tear her down.
You were made for this!
4. Bringing Up Girls by Dr. James Dobson
I greatly appreciate the objectivity this book provides. Being a father to a daughter, child psychology, child development expert, and a man, in general, gives Dr. Dobson an outside-looking-in view on raising daughters.
I really appreciate how he is able to look at the research, medical data, cultural flow, mainstream society, and media influence and apply all of it to the matter of raising daughters.
Another thing I really appreciate is how Dr. Dobson tries to keep his writing current. He has revised many of his books to reflect the current culture since some of them were written quite a long time ago.
In this book, Dr. Dobson helps you:
- Teach your girl to be a lady
- Understand the obsession with beauty
- Swim again the river of culture that will hurt your girl
The information in this book will equip you to raise up the next generation of women confidently. Today young girls are facing a new kind of pressure.
Females have always carried the burden of great responsibility. However, now they are also encouraged to be independent leaders, audacious, and brazen, and often scoffed at if that is not what they want.
If you want to help guide your child in discovering and living out who God has called her to be and embracing her inherent identity, this is the book for you!
*This book is a mdParenting must read!

The Best Christian Parenting Books on Discipline
During my time as a mother, and indeed, as a parenting coach, I’ve witnessed an interesting phenomenon. Moms treat child discipline like a taboo four-letter-word!
I get emails from moms searching for answers and help with how to discipline their children and improve child behavior. Yet, they shy away from it, pretend it’s not necessary, and act as though they are somehow not a good mom because their children need discipline.
I have news… every child needs discipline. Discipline is what makes us good people. It’s not mean or oppression on its own.
The best Christian parenting books that guide a mom through correctly and effectively disciplining her child is worth its weight in gold! The commonality I find in moms who are leery of discipline is the fear that they are going to do it wrong, or harm their children in the process.
These books will alleviate that fear.
5. The New Dare to Discipline by Dr. James Dobson
Dr. Dobson could not have titled this book better! It’s no wonder this book has sold over 3.5 million copies!
Dare to Discipline is a battle cry for a generation who is challenged to dare to be great! Dare to stand up to the cultural and societal norms that lie and tell you motherhood requires hiding away in the closet with coffee or wine.
This book arms you with what you need to shape and mold children into outstanding adults, then challenges you to do something with that armory!
In this book you’ll find guidance for:
- Leading your child through the tough job of growing up
- Understanding and using your authority as a parent
- Practical how-to’s of discipline do’s and don’ts
This book is another that I am so grateful to have read while my firstborn was still a baby. When the time came, I knew what I needed to do, how to do it, and was more than confident in my duty and capability to accomplish it!
If you have not read this book yet, please do so asap.
*This book is a mdParenting must read!
6. Parenting Isn’t for Cowards by Dr. James Dobson
“No one said it was going to be easy!” Reads the back of this book in big, bold print.
If I could adopt a mantra for my parenting coaching clients, this would be it!!!
Good parenting is simple. Very very simple. Simple is different than easy.
No one said being a fantastic parent, raising good kids into great adults, and taking on the world for the sake of your children would be easy.
But… with the right principles in place and a rock-solid dedication to doing what it takes, you absolutely can embrace and enjoy parenthood, and come out successful on the other side!
In Parenting Isn’t for Cowards, Dobson helps you:
- Prevent child-rearing troubles before they happen (this is the core of my heart)
- Thrive during adolescence
- Strengthen your relationship with your children
This book will bless you and give you fresh new confidence to face this parenting thing head-on to great success.
7. The New Strong-Willed Child by Dr. James Dobson
Is your child strong-willed?
At some point, most children are called strong-willed by their parents. Kids are good at digging their heels in and going for broke.
But which child is actually strong-willed and which is just testing you? What’s the difference? Why does it matter?
Is there a different way to parent a truly strong-willed child?
Dobson addresses all of these questions in The New Strong-Willed Child.
I recommend all moms who suspect their child of being strong-willed to read this book. It will give you a clear understanding of how to shape and mold a child’s will without breaking his spirit.
In this book you’ll find answers to your questions:
- Why is my child this way?
- How do I avoid parenting wrong?
- How do I shape the will and protect the spirit?
Strong-willed children possess the potential to change the world and move mountains. However, they need you to parent well so they can be successful.
You’ve been given a mighty task. Equip yourself and do a mighty work!
8. Why Can’t I Get My Kids to Behave by Joey and Carla Link
Written by a husband and wife, if I had to use one word to describe this book, it would be practical.
So often in parenting, we just need the answers delivered to us clearly and in a no-non-sense way. This book is good at doing just that.
With 125 5 star ratings, parents love this book.
In it you’ll find:
- Why parents can’t get their kids to behave
- How to get your kids to obey
- What obedience is and isn’t
From help with whining to chores to lecturing and nagging, you’ll be grateful to have this book around!
The Best Christian Parenting Books on Child Training
Child training is my favorite parenting tool!! The way we intentionally train our children habits is child training. When we connect with our kids in a meaningful way, we are training them. The way we discipline our children is in how we train them.
The way we speak, think, act, talk, walk, eat, and every-single-thing-else is all training our children!
Child training is the most significant element of parenting because it is the most prominent. It is happening ALL THE TIME. Whether you realize it or not.
This is why I spend A LOT of time talking about child training to my readers and coaching clients. There is no greater weapon you have to battle bad behavior than proactive child training.
The books below are being categorized as child training books because that is how I view them.
They give you the common-sense wisdom you need to parent in such a way that you are child training well, regardless of your cognizance of it.
These books could both also fall into the discipline category, because the two aspects of parenting heavily overlap, but I prefer to separate them out a bit.
9. God Knows How to Raise Your Kids… by Joe McGee
Joe McGee is one of my very favorite parenting and family experts. I’ve had the privilege of meeting him personally on a few occasions. He’s hilarious, and his wisdom is both astounding and bold!
He has raised 6 children of his own and has lots of stories to share.
My favorite thing about Joe is that even though he faced challenges and parenting obstacles the same as all parents do, he maintained refusal to partake in parenting sneering, mockery, and pessimism.
The official parenting position here at mdParenting is of positivity.
Joe is positive in the funniest and boldest way. I truly admire him and would highly recommend EVERYTHING he produces!
I personally am forever grateful for his obedience to God’s call on his life!
God Knows How to Raise Your Kids is an everything book. This book covers the nitty-gritty of parenting rebellious toddlers all the way up through equally rebellious teenagers.
His focus, however, is on equipping you to prevent those rebellious teenage years by having a firm grasp on biblical principles of parenting.
In this book, you’ll get:
- Personal stories and practical ideas to parent well, raise great kids, and guide your kids toward God!
*This book is a mdParenting must read!

10. 8 Things No kid Should Leave Home Without
As dedicated Christian parents, what we all want most of all is to see our children succeed in a fulfilling life of serving Christ.
One question that I regularly get from readers is, “How do I make sure I’m not missing anything? I don’t want to forget some big important part of parenting that my child will suffer without!”
I understand that concern. The world we are raising children in is different than the one we grew up in. And the world our children will raise children in will be unimaginably different than it is now.
There are many variables we can’t account for. However, there are elements of life that we can pass on to our children that will provide universal wisdom and preparation for success.
This book aims to give you those “must do” things!
In this book, you’ll learn:
- How to build a sense of security within your child
- Have a vision for the future
- How to help your child develop the strong character necessary for a blessed life
This book is the kind you walk away from feeling empowered.
It’s a confidence booster for both you and your child.
And you can never go wrong with Joe McGee!
11. Building Confidence in Your Child by Dr. James Dobson
There’s a lot of back and forth information regarding children and self-esteem. Some say self-efficacy is more important. Others tout the importance of promoting confidence. While yet others say, you’ll raise an entitled fool if you put too much emphasis on self-esteem.
Here’s what I know… it is far more likely for our children to feel bad about themselves than good. It’s easier to feel not enough, low, blue, and like a failure.
I also know balance is possible. You can raise a confident child who works diligently, highly values others, AND has high self-worth!
Self-esteem is confidence in one’s own worth. Our children need to understand how great their worth is.
Dr. Dobson provides parent’s with great tools to help their children to just that in this book.
In this book, you’ll learn:
- To help your child balance humility and pride
- To help your child be emotionally well in a toxic world
- How to help your child be confident while still valuing others
Read this book while your children are young so you can apply it as they grow.
The Best Christian Parenting Books for Building a Godly Home
A joyful, harmonious, and peaceful home is cultivated over time and with effort. Children flourish in these homes. Likewise, when outsiders walk into a godly home, they feel a sense of safety and security there.
It’s no wonder such a home often produces amazingly well-rounded, wholly healthy children.
Below you’ll find a couple of books that will help you toward the goal of establishing an environment of love and security for your child.
12. Safe House by Dr. Joshua Straub
Dr. Joshua is a favorite of mine. He and his wife Christi have a fantastic Christian Parenting Podcast called Famous At Home that I love to listen to.
Dr. Straub was a presenter on a lot of the life coaching material I consumed to earn my board certification.
He and I are roughly the same age, and had I not dropped out of school, his career path looks much like I would imagine mine would have.
But… that was not the plan for me! Had I not been home with my amazing four children all these years instead, I would not have the unique skillset and perspective I do now, and I would not have the deep-rooted joy of stay-at-home-momhood that I delight in.
Anyway, back to the book.
All that to say, I like Dr. Joshua and his wife Christi. They have a lot to offer parents raising children in this day and time.
In Safe House, you’ll learn how to:
- Foster healthy development in your children
- Discipline without forfeiting relationship
- Find a greater perspective on parenting
Cultivate a safe house and raise a healthy child.
13. Parenting God’s Way by Alistair Begg
This short and simple book is a fresh inspiration for Christian parents.
Alistair Begg is a lesser-known author with great insight.
In Parenting God’s Way, the author calls to light the ways we can abdicate our roles as parents, and challenges us to take responsibility to fight the good fight and not grow weary.
This book provides accountability for both mothers and fathers that are God-ordained.
Full of rich wisdom from the scripture, I’d recommend adding this quick read to your parenting collection.
14. The Life-Giving Parent by Clay and Sally Clarkson
The sheer mass amount of parenting advice swirling the earth is enormous.
We need the practical. We need the step by step to train well on the daily with our children.
Unfortunately, often that daily practical can come at the expense of the eternal consequential.
The Life-Giving Parent will refocus your perspective on giving your child the one thing he needs more than anything else, which is the life of Christ!
Children must have real, tangible experiences of their own with God, and parents are instrumental in cultivating an atmosphere at home for that to happen.
The Life-Giving Parent will equip you with what you need to give your children more than just a good Christian life.
The Best Christian Parenting Books to Help You Reach a Child’s Heart
Parents have two primary tools in their parenting tool belt. Well, these two tools are really ALL we have!
Authority and Influence.
Authority is that which we are granted because we are the mom. Influence is that which we earn out of a deep and meaningful relationship with our children.
Reaching your child’s heart is absolutely crucial and necessary if you hope to have influence over your child’s life when they are older.
Meaning, if you want your child to come to you with issues, later on, you have to reach their hearts now!
15. Shepherding a Child’s Heart by Tedd Tripp
Tedd Tripp is a pastor, counselor, school administrator, and father.
In Shepherding a Child’s Heart, Tedd shows you how to speak to and reach out to your child’s heart.
The book provides for perspective and procedures for guiding your child’s heart as a loving shepherd does for his sheep.
The premise of this book is that the inward beliefs of our heart shape the outward behaviors we display. Thus when we shepherd our child’s heart well, the outward can reflect the inward.
This is a great book for parents longing for deeper meaning in their Christian parenting walk.

16. The Five Love Languages of Children by Gary Chapman and Ross Campbell
If you’ve been a mama duck Parenting reader for long, you’ve likely heard me talk about the five love languages of children. Your child’s love language is a very valuable asset to your parenting.
Learning your child’s love language provides you with currency into their heart and their minds. You can dive into their emotions and their behavior alike.
This book is the authority on Love Languages. Dr. Chapman started it all with the original 5 Love Languages book, then provided parents a golden nugget when he transformed it with the help of Ross Campbell.
In this book, you’ll get help to:
- Discover your child’s love language
- Assist your child in successful learning
- Use the love languages to correct and discipline more effectively
- Build a foundation of unconditional love for your child
After you’ve read this book, head over here to learn how to apply it to effective discipline. Then read here for actionable tips to connect with your child!
*This book is a mdParenting must read!
17. Grace-Based Parenting by Dr. Tim Kimmel
I first read Grace Based Parenting as a parenting study. There are a workbook and video series available in addition to an affordable paperback book.
I recommend Grace Based Parenting for seasoned parents who have a solid grasp on their parental authority and how to use it correctly.
The book will help you:
- Reflect God’s love in your parenting
- Displace fear as a motivator
- Raise spiritually motivated children
18. Different by Sally Clarkson
Sally Clarkson (mentioned previously,) along with her husband Clay, founded Whole Heart Ministries.
Sally homeschooled all 4 of her children through high school, and all 4 have gone on to do great things! Her oldest studies theology in London, her second graduated summa cum laude from Berklee College of Music in Boston, while her third co-wrote the above-mentioned book with her and works in the film industry, and her fourth is a graduate of Biola University and writer.
Sally’s honest writing and passion for her children make her a woman we should all strive to be more like.
Different is written about her relationship with/raising her youngest son.
This book is a must-read for every mom with a child the world is compelled to label as different.
Sally chose to believe her son was created on purpose for a purpose, and the way he was built was by design.
A book that will move you.
The Best Christian Parenting Books on Motherhood
19. Mom Up: Thriving with Grace in the Chaos of Motherhood
In the face of the current culture of motherhood mockery, it’s difficult to find a parenting book on motherhood that does not encourage you to hide away in the closet with a glass of wine.
In all transparency, I have not read this book. My recommendation is based on the reviews.
Out of 275 reviews, almost all of them were 5 stars.
What I like most, based on what I read from the reviews, was the author’s charge for moms to take ownership of their lives.
The ability to choose joy, equip yourself for parenting, seek Jesus in times of trouble, etc.
Mom Up is a bit bold and should be read by emotionally healthy moms or moms who look to Jesus as their source of hope.
The Best Christian Parenting Books to Help with EVERYTHING
Finally, there is one book that I want to share with you that you absolutely MUST get!
This is more than a book, it’s a handbook. A manual for parenting! A book you don’t want to be without when all heck is breaking loose in your home or you find yourself with a question that you absolutely need the answer to right then!!!
20. The Focus on the Family Complete Book of Baby and Child Care
I received this book as a baby shower gift, and I can’t even begin to number the amount of times it has been referenced.
This best Christian parenting book provides baby medical knowledge, child development expertise, parenting advice, problem-solving, and honest-to-goodness everything else any Christian parent could EVER want to know.
Truthfully, I don’t think I can describe it any better than to say it has everything.
It is super thick and full of facts.
Parenting geeks like you and I will love the medical-manual format that this book provides.
This book is broken down by child’s age, beginning with pregnancy and traveling all the way on through the teens!
My favorite way to read this book was to read two sections ahead. This way I not only knew what was coming and how to deal with it, but what was coming after that as well, so I could understand the bigger picture of why I was doing the parenting I was, in that moment.
I continue to reference this book again and again and again.
Get this book for yourself and for every mom-to-be that you know! It’ll be the best gift she gets, and she’ll thank you for it long after the cute monogrammed blankie.
Christian Parenting Book Wrap Up
What are you excited to read from this list? Ther are dozens of the best Christian parenting books to choose from. Did you see your favorite Christian Parenting book listed here? Do you have a favorite that you’d like to see added to the list? Leave a comment below. I’d love to see this list grow!