Top 5 Best Christian Children’s DVD Series To Keep Your Child Busy
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The other day, I was thinking how I use to pop in a DVD for my firstborn when he was little, and I wanted to get the house super clean. (you know, the kind of clean where your child isn’t dragging things out immediately after you put them away) Nowadays…. It’s Netflix that parents use in a pinch to keep children still long enough to get that magazine-cover-kind-of-clean. The trouble with Netflix, though, is that it goes on and on and on and on… and too much screen time is bad news for a child’s brain. So, I created a list of the top 5 best Christian children’s DVD series to keep your child busy while you clean (or do anything that needs to be done!)
Why DVD Series Instead Of Streaming?
Using a DVD instead of streaming makes it harder to lose track of how much time he’s spent in front of a screen because when it’s over, it’s over.
My very favorite DVD series is a set of 3 – 30 minute DVDs. They were perfect for me when my firstborn was little. I would create a list of things that needed to be done, prioritize the list, then divide it into 30-minute intervals.
He would start his first DVD while I got to work, then I’d switch out the DVDs as needed, and 1.5 hours later, the house was clean, and his media for the week was over.
Before I had children, I would iron my sheets. Yup… true story. I had these really high thread count pure cotton sheets and they got wrinkly as heck, and well… I had all the time in the world, so I ironed them!
Don’t spend your precious 1-2 hours of uninterrupted cleaning time on ironing sheets, for goodness sake. Scrub toilets, do laundry, and sweep the floors. You know, the kind of cleaning that actually matters.
Top 5 Best Christian Children’s DVD Series For Toddlers and Preschoolers.
#1. Praise Baby
- These videos are full of beautiful worship music, bright colors, and human faces to stimulate your little one’s brain. These are by far my very favorite children’s video series.
- These videos are the very ones I used to keep my little guy content while I blazed through the house in an hour and a half – 10 years ago.
- They focus on faces, colors, human activity and are set to various worship songs. These videos were given to me as a gift at my first baby shower and they were one of the most valuable and well-used gifts I have ever gotten – EVER!
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#2. Buddy Davis Amazing Adventures
- My oldest son was fortunate enough to meet and speak to buddy Davis during his time at camp Infinity in the summer of 2017. My son thoroughly enjoyed Buddy’s storytelling panache and can’t wait to hear him again.
- These DVDs are educational, creation-based, and adventurous. Educational videos that are engaging are a win-win for parents and kids. You can get the house clean without feeling guilty about screen time, knowing that the shows they are watching benefit and enrich your child. I have not seen all of them, so be confident they are appropriate for your child’s sensitivity level.
#3. Veggie Tales
- I. Love. Veggie. Tales. The writers at Veggie Tales deserve an award! Have they won any? I’m sure they have. And if not… they deserve some! These shows are hilarious.
- Veggie Tales are funny, eye-catching, and loaded with valuable life-lessons. The episodes are written with wit and comic appeal. I find myself laughing right along with my kids every single time we watch veggie tales. They are the perfect show for toddlers and preschoolers.
Boz The Bear
- I didn’t know who Boz was until I watched it one Sunday morning in the children’s nursery. Boz is awesome. These videos are full of animated color, education, and positive life lessons.
- Boz is also full of singing. Singing is still one of the best ways to learn anything. Lyrics and music allow the brain to store information in a way that sticks. I love to hear my littlest guy singing positive, life-affirming words.
#5. Cedarmont Kids
- Cedarmont Kids is all about the singing. I’m sure you’ve guessed by now that I love learning through singing. I’ve researched enough on my children’s neurodevelopment to know that when I can engage them using multiple senses at once, massive learning occurs. Singing accomplishes just that.
- These DVD’s are all sing along. 64 Songs and over an hour and a half. This is by far a better option than turning on Netflix and walking away. You may get tired of hearing the same songs over and over, but the benefit to your little one will be well worth it.
BONUS DVD (May Just Be The Best One?)
#6. Truck Tunes
- I could not leave Truck Tunes off this list! Yes, I know, it’s a list of Christian children’s videos, but Truck Tunes has been too special to my family to not mention it to you now!
- We found truck tunes by chance one day while looking for pictures of heavy machinery for my 1-year-old. He LOVES big trucks! Diggers, scrapers, bulldozers, backhoe’s, the list goes on… he LOVES them all!! We played the bulldozer truck tune on youtube, and the rest is history.
The story behind truck tunes’ creation is precious. A man had twins who loved seeing heavy machinery as they were driving around town. He started to search for videos about heavy machinery to show his kid since they were so in love with the equipment. Unable to find any, he made them himself. Classic! Love these videos!
They are real-life machines, doing their real-life jobs, set to super-catchy music and narration, all created by a dad of twins! Win!
Which Wholesome Children’s DVD Series Is Your Favorite?
Well then, the top 5 best Christian children’s DVD series sets, a bonus one for your machine lover, and a clean house! All without endless hours of mind-numbing Netflix! Sure, in an ideal, fairy-tale world, kids would sit quietly for hours on end learning Mozart and Beethoven while ironing our sheets.
However, real-life great parenting looks a lot more like doing the very best you can for your kids while continuing to accomplish the things you need to do to feel like a whole person. Cleaning your house is one of those things. Pick a video set option from the list above, order it and enjoy your clean home.
Owlegories is an amazing kids show!!